Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Went to do some life drawing today, croquis to be more exact, after over six months. I felt quite rusty and got fed up with the whole thing pretty soon. But I'll post two of the results. The one with the model in a side-view was a difficult one 'cause the legs are bent so that you can't see them below the knee. When I got frustrated I decided really to just let go the overly accurate model drawing and to just go with a loose feel of shape, volume and direction, trying still-animation I guess. The time was about 5 minutes for these, less with the latter one.


  1. Anonymous16/1/07 21:17

    just out surfing--enjoyed your art,,Thank-You...peace always

  2. Thanks and keep on surfin'!

  3. I like these. Very lifelike. I really should join you sometimes. I for one could use some life drawing. Keep it up. V

  4. Where do you go to draw these? Some folk school? Or what the heck they call kansanopisto anyway?

    I really could do some lessons in anatomy myself. We didn't really do any life drawing or croquis at school (except once, really briefly... we drew the notorious bicyclist guy!), which is a damn pity!

  5. eemeli, megeen vaan ens tiistaina Taidehallille http://taidehalli.fi/fi/index.html
    tsekkaa Tapahtumat.
