It's croquis time again and this time with pencil. Every medium automatically makes you work differently.
Monday, March 26, 2007
Since I've been a bit lazy with my posting lately, I decided to make a one big post to keep this blog alive :) These three images are various sketchbook scans, old and more recent, compiled together.
I hope you find something of interest in them.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Shame on me...My posting has slowed down to a weekly basis. But I'll pick up the pace soon again! In the meantime, here's some croquis again. It really is dependent on the medium the way you draw, seems obvious but the way of thinking switches a bit. Here for example two are made with a brush and bigger areas of color when you automatically think more of shadow and pose. The one done with a pencil without shading is more about me trying to achieve movement and weight with just the line's width and direction.
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Again some recent croquis. With these I started to go to into a bit more looser and stylized way. Could have been that I just had trouble concentrating enough...The one with the model in a crawling position was a tough one angle -wise and it also has a little gruesome feeling.
Monday, March 12, 2007
I dug out my old Rotring and Faber Castell technical pens. I used to draw with them a lot back in the day. It took some serious soaking in 80% alcohol to get these work again. I put some ink in them and drew. The FB gave out a diluted grey ink at first and R had more black. So this picture is the result of the doodling.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Sorry for the lack of posts! I've been an a vacation trip for a week. I really took a break also from drawing and almost from thinking of drawing. It felt weird but it's also kinda refreshing. So nothing really recent here. Another croquis from the previous session and some sketches related to the comic project which is in the docks at the moment...but hopefully not for long.