Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Squeeky lifedrawings

The life drawing sessions at Taidehalli started again. Was it the beer in my belly or the sunshine crusted arms of mine after the summer but drawing seemed a bit clunky...

Anyway I was trying to "switch my mental gears" several times during the session. That resulted in quite different looking drawings of the same model (of course the emount of time/pose affects too).

Sometimes I took the more stylized or trying to instill more interpretation. Sometimes I just wanted to take the essential pose and exaggerate that, not worrying about anatomy too much ad even cheating a bit on the direction of the pose.

I feel this kind of switching of "mental gears" is kinda refreshing, a learning curve and hopefully helpful in improving my craft.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Gobelins Summer School doodles

Hey, it's been almost 2 months since my last post...shame on me! I've been on my summer vacation but on the summer vacation I attended the Gobelins character animation summer school in Paris.
To put it simply: it was great! Met a bunch of wonderful people whom I'm missing already. It was an intense 2 weeks. Information overload and huge inspiration at the same time. Not to mention..it was all in Paris. Doesn't every artist want to do something there at some point :)?

I was one of the few there who didn't have a background of an actual animator but as those few who follow by blog know, I'm an animation buff and have been that since I was a kid.

So this was my 1st and possibly last actual or formal training in animation. But from now on I hope to start implementing what I learned in the summer school and on my own in the many years that have passed.

This post has doodles from my sketch/notebook. So they are again reaaally random doodles from the pages of extensive notes made during the school. Also one image is a collection of some jolly doodles guys and gals did while we were enjoying the cheapest beer in Paris..I think the place was called appropriately Bistro Des Artistes :D

The short animation exercises done at the summer school I still have to finish and then I can post them here..At some point :P