Monday, September 17, 2007

A Happy Accident!

Well, I genuinely couldn't have believed that the comic that me and Eija Lappalainen did for Sarjis 2007 -competition would get to the competition's anthology let alone reach the 2nd prize! To our surprise and delight it did :)

I hope this will give me the motivation to do more comics in the future! Now I can post a few panels of it. Get the whole album "5 Fantasiaa" from the stores here in Finland :) It's got a lot of good stuff in it!

My only complaint is that they misspelled my name in the author credits :( It reads Hanne instead of Janne. Not only it changes my name but my sex also! Oh well, I guess I'll have to take it as my alter ego...

Here, here and here are some of my previous posts about the comic.

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